LexisNexis® Verdict & Settlement Analyzer

Pair your hard-won experience with hard data for decisive case assessment.

Win by numbers

Reduce risk and sharpen your litigation strategy with analytics of volumes of hard settlement and verdict data.

See the winners

Outliers and trends in verdict and settlement amounts revealed with analytics and visualizations.

Make big data analytics work

Fight on or reach a resolution. Divine guiding insights from massive data pools of verdict research and litigation settlements.

Put your case under a microscope

Deepen your assessments. Model alternate verdict and legal settlement scenarios. Make decisions with data analytics that illuminate the range of possible outcomes.

What’s in it for you?

Hello, hard-won experience. Meet hard data.

Check your gut. Sharpen your strategy. LexisNexis® Verdict & Settlement Analyzer gives you access to the industry’s largest collection of verdicts research and litigation settlements so time-tested attorneys can make data-driven assessments.

Get a more complete picture by downloading the PDF overview

Let’s get started

Contact us by completing the form below or if you need immediate assistance, please call 1-888-253-3901

Need a research analyst to investigate experts?

Use our LexisNexis® Expert Research On-Demand and let us examine expert witness testimony and other data that preceded a verdict or out-of-court settlement. Let our team conduct, synthesize, compile and deliver the info you need—as you need it, when you need it. Bolster your cases as they draw on trial and deposition testimony, transcripts, video, disciplinary actions, articles penned by experts, a database of testifying experts, medical and scientific abstracts, and a whole lot more.

Download this overview of our service and pricing