More and more of your colleagues are using Lexis Search Advantage to find specific documents because it makes deep searching more efficient than ever before. But don’t take our word for it …

Lexis Search Advantage makes searching internal documents a breeze.

Lexis Search Advantage provides the AR Collections Department with an easier method to search for claim information (claim numbers, claims professional, etc.) which assists with our collection efforts.

Lexis Search Advantage is very user-friendly and a timesaver. Also, Lexis Search Advantage can be incorporated into everyday tasks.

Joshua Lege, Librarian, Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP (TVID: 683-6E2-10C)

The speed of Lexis Search Advantage is much quicker than the current database our office uses. It is also much easier to narrow down a search, while still being able to search the entire firmwide network.

Christine Alexander, Paralegal, Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP (TVID: 8F0-B34-EE0)

I am able to find things much faster via Lexis Search Advantage.

Lexis Search Advantage has enabled me to complete research more efficiently and uncover nuanced research memos with ease.

The amount of time it takes to search for a document is cut in half when using Lexis Search Advantage, which leaves more time to spend on other billable tasks. Since the search is so specific, you do not waste time by clicking on multiple documents to find what you need.

Christine Alexander, Paralegal, Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP (TVID: 670-E26-C62)

Lexis Search Advantage allows me to search the firm’s database to locate form documents a lot faster and do research on specific issues.

Lexis Search Advantage saves tremendous amounts of time. It allows me to find key documents very quickly.

Lexis Search Advantage has made my life a lot easier when searching for documents, especially when the attorney needs it right away.

Lexis Search Advantage has made my search for case law and statutes quicker and easier

We were going through an audit and only had a short time to reconcile billing invoices to documents saved on our data management system. Using Lexis Search Advantage to find documents that weren’t in the files saved me hours of sorting through the files to find pertinent documents.

Joshua Lege, Librarian, Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP (TVID: 5DC-D10-5FA)

Lexis Search Advantage allows me to bill more by using my time more effectively. It also permits me to be a better attorney by providing access to more relevant information.

Request your Lexis Search Advantage demo now

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