Use Check Cite Format to check citations with ease and efficiency, dramatically decreasing time spent reviewing style formats.

With Check Cite Format you can be confident in the accuracy of your work through real-time comparison against Lexis Advance® content, including the most up-to-date format requirements from citation style manuals, including The Bluebook®, California and New York formats. This tool also checks short citations (including Id. citations) at the same time as their parent citations. You can clearly view what the tool sees as the parent citation and easily change the parent of the short or Id. citation, if needed.

Instantly improve your sense of citation style

You can click Correct All to rapidly correct multiple citations at once. The process will not override any manual decisions you already made.

Generally, I work with the attorneys putting together the appeal and Supreme Court briefs, and creating the Tables of Contents and Table of Authorities. Having the ability to fill in missing information in cites and double checking cites is very important. Also, I no longer have to open LexisNexis from Firefox®, I can do it while I’m in the documents themselves using Lexis® for Microsoft Office®.

Document Tools

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