LexisNexis® Public Records

Locate and get a more complete picture of people and businesses across the U.S.

Use robust search, analytics, and reporting tools to effectively leverage one of the largest collections of public and proprietary records available.

Our unparalleled LexID® linking and LexisNexis SmartLinx® reporting technologies can uncover hidden connections—even when entities don’t have a record in common—and raise red flags to help you spot important issues. They also account for various types of data errors, so you can still get comprehensive results.

You can improve your due diligence efforts by efficiently locating a person or business and finding critical insights to get a more complete picture. Bottom line—you can have greater confidence in your results.

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  • Unmatched public records collection
    Access our comprehensive collection of more than 65 billion records from more than 10,000 diverse sources—including public, private, regulated, and derived data. You get comprehensive information on millions of individuals and unique businesses. This includes names, addresses, places of employment, cellular and unpublished phone numbers, licenses, property records and much more.
  • Flexible search capabilities
    Use simple search forms to search with any information by choosing features such as “Find similar sounding last names” and “Find nicknames of first name”. For some sources, you also have the option of Boolean searching. With either method, you can narrow your search with ease.
  • LexID® advanced linking technology
    Surface relationships between people, businesses and locations—with a high degree of quality even when they don’t appear together in a public records document.
  • SmartLinx reporting technology
    Sift through billions of public records across all 50 states with a single search and create comprehensive, easy-to-read, rolled-up reports of a person, location, or business. These reports include assets and liabilities, aliases, associates, relatives, and neighbors, and more to help you uncover critical, hard-to-find connections. And you can link directly from one report to another, and from any report to the original source documents and back again.
  • Potential issue flags
    Review search results filtered through over 200 unique criteria that flag potential issues, such as a pending lawsuit, an atypical address or Social Security number being used by more than one person.
  • Answer set roll-up
    Reduce errors and increase the appropriateness of search results because similar names, nicknames and alternate spellings are correlated into a singular, organized entry.
  • Alert capability
    Save your search for automatic updates, so you’ll know when new, relevant documents are available. You can even select all or specific parts of a SmartLinx report you want to have updated automatically. Get updates daily, weekly, or monthly and choose your delivery method.
  • Expand All
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  • Law Firms  
  • Corporate Legal  
  • Government  
  • Corporations  
  • Media  
Due to the nature of the origin of public record information, the public records and commercially available data sources used in reports may contain errors. Source data is sometimes reported or entered inaccurately, processed poorly or incorrectly, and is generally not free from defect. This product or service aggregates and reports data, as provided by the public records and commercially available data sources, and is not the source of the data, nor is it a comprehensive compilation of the data. Before relying on any data, it should be independently verified.

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  • Customer Testimonials

    I can trust the results I receive from LexisNexis Public Records, which in turn shortens the time I need to spend completing my task.

    Law Firm Partner, 45 Attorney Law Firm

  • Customer Testimonials

    I use LexisNexis Public Records on a daily basis to help complete important tasks such as locate companies and conduct background checks.”

    Associate General Counsel, Fortune 500 Insurance Company

  • Customer Testimonials

    I am constantly vetting vendors who wish to do business with our city. Using LexisNexis Public Records as part of the research process has helped me to uncover adverse information regarding multiple vendors which was not disclosed by other sources.

    Attorney, City Government

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